I don't think I can name any other place but work that keeps me so occupied &keeps my mind off things. Although I know I need a new job badly, I don't think I'd ever find a manager I can easily talk to and co-workers that I can easily get along with! I'd so miss it. So I don't think I'm looking for a new job right now(: By the way, I can't wait 'til school starts! I love being busy rather than staying home watching tv all day! Ugh. Hahah. I guess that's all for now, I'm watching Monsters In Law!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Well damn.
Hahaahah I just saw Trisheezy's blog and we had the same "format" for "letters" to our mothers. I swear I didn't see that part. I actually wrote mine on a piece of paper first. But anyway........
That's all I wanted to say. Goodbye &Goodnight.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Dear Mom,
Since I can barely talk to you and can barely see you anytime, I'm writing to you. All I hear right now is you and Justin yelling back and forth to each other and he's making me so angry. Mom, you need to understand that we have to find a way to make him learn his lesson. I think the way he kicked out that fagget the first time was BULLSHIT. I think they set it up because after he kicked that fagget out, he changed the story and said he didn't steal Aaron's flashdrive. He said that you and that fagget found it on the driveway. That is BULLSHIT because the flashdrive was in my room ready for me to use the next day. How did it get in the driveway? I think they set it up so he can pretend to need a car to look for that fagget when really he just wanted the battery back in his car. Everything he does is BULLSHIT. The next week I see that fagget again?!!! He is a LIAR. Who else would steal from us?!!!! Everyone in this damn house had something stolen from them already. You know what me and dad did today? We changed our door locks in OUR ROOMS! THE LOCK TO OUR ROOM!!! HOw ridiculous does it sound to change locks in your own home because of a FAMILY MEMBER??!!! I don't feel safe in my OWN HOME. That's all Justin brings here... Pain and anger. On top of that, the way he just spoke to you right now is RUDE and I can't believe you take that from him. Out of all people. You were the one that said no one, especially your kids, could ever talk to you in that way or else they would get slapped. And mom, you proved yourself wrong. You're letting Justin walk all over you like a rug. He's taking advantage of you in whatever way he can. All for what!? NOTHING. What does he do for you? Oh, he signed up for classes? NOPE. Oh he has a job? NOPE. He does nothing around this damn house. Don't get me wrong. He is YOUR son and I know you're worried but the more you let him do what he wants, the more he will get out of hand. That fagget friend of his will be back tmrw, I promise you that. Call the cops on that fagget the next time you see him because the same routine WILL HAPPEN. I want to punch BOTH OF THEM in the face. They both bring nothing but trouble here. I'm sorry I've never seemed appreciative of my surroundings but I am, Mom. Thank you for this house you let me live in and for the food on the table. Thank you for my education as well. I promise by the time I get a higher paying job, I'll return the favor and i'll get out of your home. I'm trying to earn my own cash to pay for my own things. I ever offered dad money to pay for my snacks for work everyday. I don't ever want to become like Justin and I never will. I HATE HIM and he is NOT my brother. He is slowly breaking this family apart and I hope he realizes it one day before he goes to jail. I do not ever want to talk to him and I seriously can't wait to leave this house. Clearly, he has put friends before family and I don't respect him in any way. He will pay for what the fuck he did. I hope his hard headed self learns before it's too late. BULLSHIT.
Since I can barely talk to you and can barely see you anytime, I'm writing to you. All I hear right now is you and Justin yelling back and forth to each other and he's making me so angry. Mom, you need to understand that we have to find a way to make him learn his lesson. I think the way he kicked out that fagget the first time was BULLSHIT. I think they set it up because after he kicked that fagget out, he changed the story and said he didn't steal Aaron's flashdrive. He said that you and that fagget found it on the driveway. That is BULLSHIT because the flashdrive was in my room ready for me to use the next day. How did it get in the driveway? I think they set it up so he can pretend to need a car to look for that fagget when really he just wanted the battery back in his car. Everything he does is BULLSHIT. The next week I see that fagget again?!!! He is a LIAR. Who else would steal from us?!!!! Everyone in this damn house had something stolen from them already. You know what me and dad did today? We changed our door locks in OUR ROOMS! THE LOCK TO OUR ROOM!!! HOw ridiculous does it sound to change locks in your own home because of a FAMILY MEMBER??!!! I don't feel safe in my OWN HOME. That's all Justin brings here... Pain and anger. On top of that, the way he just spoke to you right now is RUDE and I can't believe you take that from him. Out of all people. You were the one that said no one, especially your kids, could ever talk to you in that way or else they would get slapped. And mom, you proved yourself wrong. You're letting Justin walk all over you like a rug. He's taking advantage of you in whatever way he can. All for what!? NOTHING. What does he do for you? Oh, he signed up for classes? NOPE. Oh he has a job? NOPE. He does nothing around this damn house. Don't get me wrong. He is YOUR son and I know you're worried but the more you let him do what he wants, the more he will get out of hand. That fagget friend of his will be back tmrw, I promise you that. Call the cops on that fagget the next time you see him because the same routine WILL HAPPEN. I want to punch BOTH OF THEM in the face. They both bring nothing but trouble here. I'm sorry I've never seemed appreciative of my surroundings but I am, Mom. Thank you for this house you let me live in and for the food on the table. Thank you for my education as well. I promise by the time I get a higher paying job, I'll return the favor and i'll get out of your home. I'm trying to earn my own cash to pay for my own things. I ever offered dad money to pay for my snacks for work everyday. I don't ever want to become like Justin and I never will. I HATE HIM and he is NOT my brother. He is slowly breaking this family apart and I hope he realizes it one day before he goes to jail. I do not ever want to talk to him and I seriously can't wait to leave this house. Clearly, he has put friends before family and I don't respect him in any way. He will pay for what the fuck he did. I hope his hard headed self learns before it's too late. BULLSHIT.
Monday, July 13, 2009
What's another word for angry?
My family is DIS FUNK SHUN NAL. I hate it I hate it I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!
Thanks bro. I hope you know how much you hurt me. I hope you know how much you hurt mom. &dad? Pft. You're so hardheaded and I hope you read this one day.
Depressing. Agh. Not in the mood.
Hey, there's a lock on my door now. Like i'd be ANY safer than I already.... AM NOT.
Thanks bro. I hope you know how much you hurt me. I hope you know how much you hurt mom. &dad? Pft. You're so hardheaded and I hope you read this one day.
Depressing. Agh. Not in the mood.
Hey, there's a lock on my door now. Like i'd be ANY safer than I already.... AM NOT.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Begin each day as if it were on purpose.
Don't expect me to write in here everyday. Just sometimes when MySpace gets boring. HAHAHA. But gad, it's been ridiculous since I last wrote in here. I'm officially full time at work now and I come home everyday wanted to sleep. I guess I can't complain. Waking up to the sun barely rising is beautiful. My new manager at work is hilarious. I don't think I can ask for anything else right now. Breakin' necks, cashin' checks and my bestfriend found her, what I believe, a keeper!(((:Yes, that was for MamaTin. HAhaha. Everything with Honey is just fine. Just passed our 10th &I don't mind being away from him most days. Missing him is ridiculous. It is now June meaning July is just a month away. You know what that means.... Arleezy &Trisheezy's birfdays! By the way, our store won a free "fill the fridge" day and my manager bought 300 wingstop wings for tmrw. Tell me that doesn't sound delish!?!?!! I'm pretty juiced. I also got the new blackberry 8900. It's pretty sick. I'm in love with it. Not much else new. Just another day &it starts all over again tmrw. Until next time!
Aaron Francisco, that was a very cute blog. Thanks for the reassurance.
Aaron Francisco, that was a very cute blog. Thanks for the reassurance.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Self Therapy at its finest.
I'm pretty independent and simple. I'm not saying I'm fully independent because my parents still support me in every way possible. But I'm saying that I don't need a man to spoil me with all the finer things. In fact, I love spoiling whoever I'm with. But I've finally realized that it's so hard for me to loosen up and not let my pride take over. Giving someone 100% of me fell through after the many times I've tried and made it work with someone who wouldn't give me 100% of them self. Now that I've found someone who gives me the time of day, understands me through every situation, thinks of me as his whole world, respects me as I'd want to be respected, and has been accepted by my family, I try to find all the small cracks just because nothing is ever that perfect to me. &I understand that I'm a little pain in the ass all the time but it's because relationships have never worked out for me. You learn and move on and I've learned and moved on. But what I learned from my very first serious relationship is that working hard does not get you anywhere if you're the only one working at it. I have never been fully committed since and I feel like I'm the bitch everytime I feel like something isn't working out. My pride is so high because I'm not understanding at all. I'll fight over small things because those are what hurt the most. I don't give out my life to just anyone and I don't plan to anytime soon. I've never been the type to talk about my feelings or problems outloud and if I appreciate something I don't show it the way I guess I'm suppose to. It's not that easy at all. Buying material things is easy. I guess that's what I've always replaced reassurance and appreciation with...
It's so LIVE right now.
Why can't the weather be breezy?
It's so LIVE right now.
Why can't the weather be breezy?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Lesson up.
"If you overthink too much, you'll lose a whole lot of opportunities."
I really learn from Tough Love. Hahahah!
I really learn from Tough Love. Hahahah!
Hold up, wait a minute.

Oh fuuuuck. How can I forget? Did I mention how AMAZING Las Vegas was!? I think it took me about a week to recover from all the partying we did. Bwaahah! But nah, I soo miss it. Everytime I look in my wallet, I find our hotel key &i start to reminsce): My mom gave us a key to one of the PRETTIEST suites at Palazzo. My gaaaad. &meeting Aaron's cousins was great too. They're so nice. I don't think I'd mind living the Vegas life. MAYBE. Lol. I just wanna go back!
Welcome back.
Oh em gee. I haven't wrote in this blog in like YEARS. I'm trying to but I just can't ever find the time. Lol. But I guess I've found time today. So I've been trying to work like crazy only to find Aaron the perfect gift. I haven't quite found it yet &this week is going to be the most stressful week ever. I got two overnight shifts and regular shifts (I guess you can call it?) following that. But it'll be worth it in the end. WHO WATCHED FOR THE LOVE OF RAY J!? COS I DID!!! &Oh boye i'd so love to announce the winner right now but I guess it's still a surprise to some of ya'll. Hahhaha. Mwahahhaha! Um, what have I been doing? I still haven't found the career of my choice yet but I've definitely decided to transfer to Chabot. I know i know, I'm being a hyprocrite but when it comes to really being focused &all, i'm going to have to go to Chabot. Ohlone is soooo far &sometimes I cut just because it's so damn far! So I'm going to try &get my bachelor's &whatnot. I still don't know what to do from there but hopefully when the time comes, i'll know. ALSO, I got my new tat! It was kindof spontaenous because I sooo didn't know what to get but I had an appt to GET tatted. Retarded, I know! But I finally decided on getting a rosary on my wrist(: It's so beautiful &thanks to Adam, he also designed it himself. Um, this past weekend we had a surprise telly for Jasper &it went well EXCEPT for the surprise. HAHAHA. She fucking came without texting or calling ANY of us and as they walked in, Mitch says hello &everyone's just dumbfounded like what's the bitch doing in here right now!??! Lol. So we told Jasper to REwalk into the room for a better surprise &they threw soo much shit at him. I think the best part of the night was when Annabelle got to put makeup on Roy. HAHAH that boy is HILARIOUS!! &WHY WAS THERE SOOO MANY INDIANS IN THAT BITCH!?!??!!?! Some slumdog millionaire shit. "..and the million dollar question is......." "Shareefa!!!!!" HAHAHHAHAHAH. And my love MamaTin came back last Sunday with sooo many gifts((((: I missed that girllll! I'm thinking about putting pictures up because this blog is sooo long that I wouldn't even wanna read it myself! Lol. I think i'll do thaaaaat..... Here we goooooo!

Friday, March 13, 2009
With my middle finger up, I'm yellin' Fuck How You Feelin'.
My my my, I haven't blogged in A WHILE. I've been reeeeal lazy hahaha. But hey, I'm here now.. So to sum up the few weeks I've not been present, it's been GREAT. Um, I finally cleaned out my dirty ass car.. Detailed &all.. Thanks to myself &honey. I've managed to be dropped from my math class but what the hey, it's alright. Lol I'm starting the whole exercise routine again =X Who knows if it'll last this time. But I've been running with my good friend Trisheez. Tmrw we hit the Hayward Shoreline. The best place in the world &the best surprise of my life, might I add. Yesterday was kindof fun. Me &Trisheez had a 20 minute run which I sucked badly at. I'm sucha fatass LOL. Then we got ready, met up with Gexis, picked up Mike, &went to Togos. "Why did you come? It was useless?" &Trisheez, being the jerk that she is, laughed at it. HAHAHAHAH. Then we headed to KOi's to meet up with my cousins that I only see twice a year. HAHAHA. Apparently this is like the month for Vegas because everyone's going! I can't wait to gooooooo. Then we chilled at TapEx &then everyone went home after. Great laugggghs. "Does he call you wet wet?!" Hahhahahaha. Today has started off great. 10AM run &then I went to go pick up my paycheck which made me VERY happy. (((((: &then I went to Cingular &found out that I get 18% off my bill every month & 25% off accessories just because I work at Nike. How generous. AHHAHAH. Now i'm debating if I should go to the gym or not=X That's all for now folks.. Until next timeeeee.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
One man's loss is another man's treasure.
Man have I had the most productive weekend EVER. Bwahahha. Let me start off by saying that I will never ever miss the sunshine ever again! Yes, I quit Verizon =X Only good thing about that stressful shit was that it paid GOOD. But it's okay, I hated doing something I didn't enjoy. So I quit on Saturday. I dipped on my break. I felt so bad but I had to"/ Sorry to the people who were good to me. Fuck you to the people who were dummy rude. They can ALL suck my dick. Anyway, onto better things... Sunday was the first day I ever got to sleep in.. Also the day I got to see my Francis!! I miss that guy): I also got to see bestyfriend Sed. He didn't even talk to us! It felt like another Ihop moment. Hahaha. But I still had fun with my regulars. Today I didn't do much. Due to so much shit that happened to honey the night before, I slept in &missed out on school. Sorry Trisheez! Hahahah. But the eyebrow piercing for my brother was a success! It looks so pretty(: I ate so much today=X Including dinner with friends. My gaaad, it was wonderful. "Nick &Norah's Infinite Playlist" is pretty cute. I suggest watching it. More days with honey, more days to reeeeeelax. Yummyyyy. I have a huge TODO list that i'll save for tmrw"/ Until next time...
"Bababa gerrit gerrit shake shake!! Eela Eela we don't giva puck bout no hoe no hoe!"
"Bababa gerrit gerrit shake shake!! Eela Eela we don't giva puck bout no hoe no hoe!"
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Pain for pleasure.
I can't describe the fuckin' pain I'm in right now. I'm hoping it's not another type of sickness): But I guess I had a good day at work today. Really depends on who's working. Hahah.. I swear I love my co-worker Jacky. She is the most laaaaid back. I mean so are the managers but all I talk to them about are shoes! Anyway, I saw a couple old friends as well. I even met new people.. Like some dude at Hot Dog on the Stick which gave very good customer service by the way &free food. Hahahah. Or the pervert who offered a free massage from Quick Fix. Weirdo. His name was Wolf too. Oh God. I ate sooo much food today. &on top of that, honey made me dinner after work. Bomb ass pizza. Thank you for the effort, babe! Ohp &congrats Warriors! Shiiiiit, beastin' the SUNS!! Matt Barnes is a crackhead. I think I'm gonna be stuck watching I love Money. Hahah shit's ridiculous!! Hopefully all this pain goes away by tmrw.. I can't afford anymore 'sickleaves'. Not like I get paid for it anyway! Overall good day. Hopefully I get to see Steph &Vince tmrw.. Long lost crew &shit. Bwahhaha. Until next time.. Goodnight cha'll! Hahahahah
I'm thinkin' of a master plan...
Nah, i'm lyin'. Shawty on my minddddddd.
But nah, I need a master plan. Lol.
I'm thinkin' of a master plan...
Nah, i'm lyin'. Shawty on my minddddddd.
But nah, I need a master plan. Lol.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
First thangs first.
So I decided to start bloggin' after I kept hearin' it from the boyfriend &NeroBee. Maybe it's a good way to let things out.. I mean, not dark thoughts like how Trisheez's might be but just to say shit about my day &then KO. I ain't new to this anyway. Had Xanga, liveJournal.. Shiiiiit. Hahahah. But anyway, let's fuckin' start. I think today was a good day before I had to start work): Yeah, I go to school then straight to work everyday. Talk about goodbye social life. But besides that, me, the boyfriend, &Nero tried to hit up the Denny's special around 9am today &skipped school.. Turns out the line was from the door to the fuckin' parkin' lot so we discovered some new place called Kinder's offuh AutoMall. THE BEST YET. My new Wangstop!! You should hit it up. Not bad prices &the workers are shuper nice. Hahahah. Anyway, after that I had to go to work &I didn't even get a thank you for the cake I bought my coworker for his bday"/ Big deal. I got his favorite though. Good guess. I'm not complaining though. My weekend was fuckin great while it lasted. Lots of time with honey &the fam. Oh, &have i mentioned how good of a cook Momma Nix &Lo are? I wish I had more time to spend with them niggas): ..&i bought me some kicks. I haven't had the chance to do that in a while 'cos I mean, I can't wear 'em to work anyway. SAD.
I MUST say that I had the best summer EVER. I hope this coming summer is even BETTER. Maybe less drugs though=X No more clubbin', no thank you. Reunited with my boyfriend Trisheez. No homo. REmet honey, &my life has become so much easier with him. Lip piercing. Boots &thangs. Mwahaha. Short hair =/
Now i'm back on the grind &it sucks ass. Hopefully hard work pays off. Until next time yaaaaa'll.
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