I'm pretty independent and simple. I'm not saying I'm fully independent because my parents still support me in every way possible. But I'm saying that I don't need a man to spoil me with all the finer things. In fact, I love spoiling whoever I'm with. But I've finally realized that it's so hard for me to loosen up and not let my pride take over. Giving someone 100% of me fell through after the many times I've tried and made it work with someone who wouldn't give me 100% of them self. Now that I've found someone who gives me the time of day, understands me through every situation, thinks of me as his whole world, respects me as I'd want to be respected, and has been accepted by my family, I try to find all the small cracks just because nothing is ever that perfect to me. &I understand that I'm a little pain in the ass all the time but it's because relationships have never worked out for me. You learn and move on and I've learned and moved on. But what I learned from my very first serious relationship is that working hard does not get you anywhere if you're the only one working at it. I have never been fully committed since and I feel like I'm the bitch everytime I feel like something isn't working out. My pride is so high because I'm not understanding at all. I'll fight over small things because those are what hurt the most. I don't give out my life to just anyone and I don't plan to anytime soon. I've never been the type to talk about my feelings or problems outloud and if I appreciate something I don't show it the way I guess I'm suppose to. It's not that easy at all. Buying material things is easy. I guess that's what I've always replaced reassurance and appreciation with...
It's so LIVE right now.
Why can't the weather be breezy?
It's so LIVE right now.
Why can't the weather be breezy?